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编辑:上海律师 来源:上海市司法局 点击进入:法律咨询热线

律师姓名: 龚震华
律师事务所: 上海容和律师事务所
性 别:
民 族: 汉族
政治面貌: 群众
学 历: 本科
执业范围: 龚震华律师从大学毕业后一直专注公司法律事务及与经济纠纷相关的诉讼及非诉讼法律服务,先在国内知名的上海诚达律师事务所执业,后于2004年出资设立上海容和律师事务所,并担任该所合伙人,成为当时上海最年轻的合伙人之一。 Lawyer Zhenhua Gong has been preoccupied with company's legal affairs and economic disputes related to litigation and non-litigation legal services after his gradation from university. He worked in Shanghai Chengda Law Firm, which is a famous law firm in China, during the first 4 years and invested Shanghai Ronghe Law Firm in 2004 as a partner of this law firm. At that time, Lawyer Zhenhua Gong is one of the youngest partners of a law firm in Shanghai. 龚震华律师在其执业经历中,为众多国内外知名企、事业单位和各界人士提供了优质的法律服务,龚震华律师曾经提供过法律服务的企、事业单位及个人主要有:瑞士英纳格、比利时巴可集团、香港科恩国际集团、达芙妮鞋业、嘉利生化集团、家饰佳集团、阿斯利康制药、上海市消防局、久游网、任贤齐先生、王家卫先生等等。 Lawyer Zhenhua Gong has provide high quality legal services to many well-known enterprises, institutions and all walks of life, such as Enicar, Barco Group, Wiselogic Investment Group, Daphne Group, AstraZenica Pharmacy and Homevalue Holding Group etc. 在非诉讼领域内,龚震华律师目前担任数十家国内外企业的常年法律顾问,为企业的日常经营、经济事务、劳资纠纷等事务设计法律框架,提供法律建议。 In the non-litigation field, Lawyer Zhenhua Gong currently serves dozens of domestic and foreign enterprises of the perennial legal adviser, to provide legal advises for the daily operation, economic affairs and labor disputes of enterprises. 鉴于龚震华律师出色的业务能力、良好的沟通技巧以及丰富的工作经验,目前龚震华律师被特聘为2010中国上海世博会摩纳哥馆、巴西馆等主承建商的首席法律顾问,全权负责摩纳哥馆、巴西馆整体建造、装饰、运营及拆馆的全程法律服务。 In view of the excellent operational capacity, good communication skills and rich working experiences, Lawyer Zhenhua Gong he has been authorized as the main Contractor’s Principle Legal Counsel of the Monaco Pavilion and Brazil Pavilion in 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, to take the solely responsibility for the above said Pavilions’ overall construction, decoration, operation and demolition of legal services throughout the museum in this World Expo. 在诉讼领域内,龚震华律师也同样有着出色的表现和丰富的经验,承办了多起有影响力的案件并赢得客户的好评。龚震华律师曾成功负责处理了陈逸飞先生遗产纠纷案件、家饰佳集团与陕西华泽镍钴金属有限公司2.1亿元股权纠纷案等重大案件。 In the litigation field, Lawyer Zhenhua Gong also has a good performance and a wealth of experience, he hosted more than influential cases and wins the praise of customers. Lawyer Zhenhua Gong has successfully solved the disputes of 210 million Yuan share ownership disputes between Homevalue Holding Group and Shangxi Hua Ze Group, and he has solved Mr. Yi Fei Chen’s legacy of disputes, who is a world-renowned painter. 此外,龚震华律师与国际知名的一流律师事务所驻中国的机构保持良好、密切的合作业务联系,并与众多国内外媒体建立了良好而稳定的合作关系。 And Lawyer Zhenhua Gong has kept sound relations with Chinese Rep. Office of first-class foreign law firms, and has established good and stable relations of cooperation with several domestic and foreign media.
执业状态: 正常执业
执业类别: 专职律师
首次执业时间: 2001-01-01
执业证号: 13101200110293495
E-mail: gzh@rh-lawfirm.com

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