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电  话:13816548421
网  址:www.doroto.com
地  址:上海市浦东南路855号世界广场21楼H座


License No.: 092008119502

Law Firm: Beijing Zhongyin Law Firm, Shanghai Office

Mobile Phone: 86-21-13816548421

Website: www.doroto.com

Address: Room H, 21/F, No.855 of South Pudong Road, Shanghai, China





Mr. Tian, attorney-at-law, graduated from University of Petroleum of China as an English major, then from East China University of Political Science and Law as a LLM.

凭借其优秀的英文功底,田律师曾在英国顶尖律师事务所高伟绅律师事务所上海代表处(Clifford Chance LLP, Shanghai Office)担任高级翻译一年。此后,自2007年初就职于国内著名律师事务所中伦律师事务所(原中伦金通律师事务所)上海分所,20091月就职于中银律师事务所上海分所至今。

Mr. Tian has served as senior translator at Clifford Chance LLP in its Shanghai office for one year, and then as an associate at Zhonglun Law Firm in its Shanghai office for two years from 2007. In January of 2009, Mr. Tian joined Zhongyin Law Firm, Shanghai office.



Service Scope:

(1)    房地产领域:城市房屋、国有土地之转让和租赁,包括房地产经纪法律问题;集体土地之租用、征地补偿;商业物业(办公用房、商铺、商场等)交易、租赁;物业管理(会所、公共区域经营、车位问题);房地产投资、入股等;房屋代为管理和经营。

Real Estate: purchase and leasing of apartments, offices, buildings, urban land; issues regarding rural lands in China; transactions of commercial properties like shopping malls, service apartments; property management (clubs, common area issues, parking lots); real estate investment; managing and operating (mainly through leasing) apartments on behalf of owners.

(2)    外商投资领域:各类外商投资企业(包括中外合资、合作和独资)设立、增资、重组和其他变更;外资并购内资,包括国有资产并购;外汇法律问题、境外贷款;争取外资优惠政策;外资公司治理结构设计;涉外劳动关系;涉外房地产法律问题。

Foreign Investment: setting up various kinds of foreign invested companies (“FIC”) in various industries, effecting changes in FIC in terms of capital amount, business name, addresses, business scope, acquisition of domestic enterprises including state-owned equities and assets, foreign exchange issues such as utilization of foreign exchange capital, foreign exchange loans; securing favorable policies available to FICs; working out corporate governance; labor issues of FIC;

(3)    公司事务领域:公司设立、出资、增资、减资、改制和重组等;公司治理结构(即股东、董事、经理等职权分配);公司合并、分立;公司股权转让、股权或资产并购(包括对公司进行尽职调查);中小股东利益保护;董事及公司管理层之义务和风险防范;关联交易;股东对公司管理层之约束和问责。

Corporate Matters: setting up, capital contribution, capital change, restructuring of business entities; corporate governance in terms of power allocation among shareholders, directors, managers etc.; merging and division of companies; transfer, acquisition of corporate equities, assets (including due diligence investigation); protection of minority shareholders; related transactions.


Mr. Tian has represented foreign investors in a number of real estate deals in Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenyang, Nanjing, helping to design deal structure, due diligence work, and drafting legal documents involved, and thus is adept at real estate laws and regulation in China.


Mr. Tian has helped clients in setting up their Representative Office and FICs in China relating to various industries such as manufacturing, trade, IT, travel agency. Generally, he will see to the whole process from name pre-registration, to approval certificate from foreign investment regulations commission, to business license, to post-registration applications with various governmental departments. He has also taken charge in a restructuring project within an international group with respect to equity transfer from its Chinese subsidiary to its Swiss subsidiary.


Mr. Tian has represented investors in a number of equity and asset deals and his work covers due diligence report, drafting of deal documents, revising the articles of association of the acquired companies etc.. He better understands the various stake holders in respect of a company and is able to disclose hurdles and risks involved in equity deals.



Meanwhile, Mr. Tian has made special efforts in developing a method helping small and medium enterprises to retain talented workers by using the so called “dry equity” approach, which confers the right to corporate profits to excellent employees based on the amount of equity he is granted under that approach. Please follow the link below for details:

