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 上海法律网 >> 涉外房地产列表:

·how does a foreigner inherit real properties in China?
you may have understood a little bit about how the inheritance/succession law operates in China afte……
·Make a gift of real estate in China
I did a post, “how does a foreigner inherit real properties in China?”, some while ago in which I su……
·Inherit/succeed to real estate in China
With the development of internationalization of China, it has saw steady rise in the number of cases
·what if your spouse buys a house for his or her lover/mistre
A foreign woman recently approached me for advice on her situation: she came to Shanghai with his hu……
·another way for foreign investor to tap China property marke
As we all know, foreign investors have been heavily restricted from investing in China real estate m……
·Shanghai home prices to slip
[Let us see how the miracle of price fall will happen this year. It is possible that deal volume may……
·Real estate deals led by office purchases
[You may find some of other posts of this blogger regarding purchase of property in Shanghai. Proper……
·Buy office property in Shanghai, China
Believe it or not, there are still a great number of people, Chinese or foreign, thinking bullish of……
·China property bubble to pop soon? Who knows!
As one of the legal practice areas I focus is REAL ESTATE, I am always fond of reading articles abou……
·China Real Estate Market - Laws and Regulations Concerning L
[Note: this article is quoted elsewhere and some of the information may have become outdated and you……
·Notice on Resolutely Containing the Excessive Hike of Proper
Now it came the official document (GuoFa[2010]No.10) regarding raising down payment to 50% of proper……
·guide for foreigners purchasing real properties in China
Foreigners in China may wish to buy a house for many reasons, inter alia, to ride the tide of Chines
·Further information about a lease contract in Shanghai
In furtherance to the article posted on the webpage of www.foreignercn.com (http://www.foreignercn.c……
·FAQs on purchasing real property in Shanghai, China (IV)
1.         What taxes and charges should I pay to government……
·FAQs on purchasing real property in Shanghai, China (II)
1.         What are the general procedures or steps for buyi……
·Investment opportunity-rural arable land for agricultural pr
In China, the vast land is in the countryside. The problem is that under Chinese land regulatory reg……
·FAQs on purchasing real property in Shanghai, China (III)
Further information regarding foreign exchange issue when purchasing real property in Shanghai, Chin
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